Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trellis: the Chart With Everyone In It

Trellis: the Chart With Everyone In It

Progeny introduces the latest innovation in genealogy - the Trellis chart, "the chart with everyone in it".

trellis_bart.pngThe Trellis chart is a brand new way to tell the story of your family. It shows everyone in your family, in a way that no traditional box chart can do.

Based on research by a group of scientists, the Trellis is a diagonally-filled matrix, where rows are individuals and columns are nuclear families. Click here for more information.

The Trellis allows for interactive investigation of your family tree. With one click, you can highlight all the ancestors and descendants of an individual. Click a second person and you can see where their pedigrees intersect in a colorful display. Collapse the tree for a condensed view. Navigate up and down the tree with a simple click.

Charting Companion with the Trellis is available for:

Coming soon: Trellis for MyHeritage, Geni, FamilySearch.

Get Charting Companion today and see your family in a Trellis!